BioBound: Precast (concrete) bike path slabs
The concrete bicycle path slabs are connected to each other with coupling strips. This cleverly absorbs subsidence and upward pressure from tree roots. In addition, the plates are demountable and easy to replace if work has to be done on cables or pipes under the plates.
Because of the very long life span and modular approach of prefabricated elements, the slabs can be reused one-on-one at another location if, over time, the desire or need for a bike path at this location changes.
Bio Bound makes these concrete bike path slabs circular with and 100% recycled gravel and sand as well as circular, biobased with recycled elephant grass. This makes these prefabricated bike path slabs much less harmful to the environment compared to similar bike path slabs made of traditional concrete. This is reflected in the low mki-value and reduction of CO2.
Because of the very long life span and modular approach of prefabricated elements, the slabs can be reused one-on-one at another location if, over time, the desire or need for a bike path at this location changes.
Bio Bound makes these concrete bike path slabs circular with and 100% recycled gravel and sand as well as circular, biobased with recycled elephant grass. This makes these prefabricated bike path slabs much less harmful to the environment compared to similar bike path slabs made of traditional concrete. This is reflected in the low mki-value and reduction of CO2.
Monday 07 November 2022