The history and current applications of the circular economy concept
The challenges of balancing industrial development, environmental and
human health, and economic growth in China and elsewhere in the world
are drivers for recent resource use and low-carbon development
strategies that include the application of the circular economy (CE)
concept. A central theme of the CE concept is the valuation of materials
within a closed-looped system with the aim to allow for natural
resource use while reducing pollution or avoiding resource constraints
and sustaining economic growth. The objectives of this study are (1) to
review the history of the CE concept to provide a context for (2) a
critical examination of how it is applied currently. Thematic categories
are used to organize the literature review results including policy
instruments and approaches; value chains, material flows, and products;
and technology, organizational, and social innovation. The literature
review illustrates the variability in CE project success and failure
over time and by region. CE successes, key challenges, and research gaps
are identified. The literature review results provide useful
information for researchers as well as multi-stakeholder groups who seek
to define the CE concept in practical terms, and to consider potential
challenges and opportunities it presents when implemented.
human health, and economic growth in China and elsewhere in the world
are drivers for recent resource use and low-carbon development
strategies that include the application of the circular economy (CE)
concept. A central theme of the CE concept is the valuation of materials
within a closed-looped system with the aim to allow for natural
resource use while reducing pollution or avoiding resource constraints
and sustaining economic growth. The objectives of this study are (1) to
review the history of the CE concept to provide a context for (2) a
critical examination of how it is applied currently. Thematic categories
are used to organize the literature review results including policy
instruments and approaches; value chains, material flows, and products;
and technology, organizational, and social innovation. The literature
review illustrates the variability in CE project success and failure
over time and by region. CE successes, key challenges, and research gaps
are identified. The literature review results provide useful
information for researchers as well as multi-stakeholder groups who seek
to define the CE concept in practical terms, and to consider potential
challenges and opportunities it presents when implemented.
Thursday 02 July 2020