CINDERELA Project Final Conference: CinderOSS - a tool for building digital circular construction hubs in cities
A side event of the Smart City Expo World Congress, Barcelona, Spain
When: Thursday 17 Nov 9:30 - 12:30
Where: Smart City Expo Conference Center CC1, Room 1.1
Participation: Hybrid Event

What the Conference is about?
The infrastructure and space in European cities continuously evolves due to growing population and business development causing a heavy demand of raw materials, particularly by the construction and building materials industry. With the support of technology and digitalisation this raw material demand could be satisfied with the use of secondary raw materials recovered from urban waste streams creating genuine opportunities for the construction sector and for cities to develop in a sustainable way. The project consortium will present how cities and construction companies may become more circular benefiting from the demonstrations and tools developed in its project. Its focus is on demonstrations and support of circular business models that turn waste in construction products.
More specifically we will present:
- CINDERELA One-Stop-Shop (CinderOSS) a digital environment supporting implementation of digital circular constriction hubs at local/regional level as well as circular economy business models in urban construction
- technical solutions with the use of secondary raw materials (SRM) recovered from selected waste streams implemented at CINDERELA demo sites in Slovenia, Spain, North Macedonia and Netherlands as examples of how circular urban construction may work in practice.
Our conference is the final event of the H2020 CINDERELA project – a European initiative to make urban construction more circular with the recovery and use of secondary raw materials available locally. We are proud to be a side event of the Smart City Expo World Congress (SCEWC) taking place in Barcelona, 15-17 Nov. 2022
Key objectives
The conference is designed to:
- help construction companies understand the growing business case for sustainable solutions based on SRM
- demonstrate to companies , investors, waste stream managers and local/regional authorities how to drive a circular change in urban construction projects with the use of locally available resources obtained from waste streams generated in urban contexts;
- showcase the technical solutions for regeneration, recovery or repurposing of urban space with the use of SRM in real applications;
present the digital environment CinderOSS and its potential to:
and building materials manufacturers : a springboard for sustainable innovations and business models based on locally identified and valorised SRM, - to cities and regional authorities as a local/regional circular economy policy tool for improving utilisation of available resources, narrowing the material loops for construction applications and improving sustainability of urban construction sector .
Who should attend?
The conference provides an added value to construction companies, city and regional authorities, investors, waste stream managers ( industries, utilities, waste processors), structural designers, degraded site owners, members of the scientific community, policy makers, and other professionals interested in circular business models and tools facilitating circularity in urban construction sector .
Agenda overview
- Introductory session during which we would like to present the overview of the aspects of implementing circular approaches in urban construction and the role of technologies, digitalisation and circular business models in addressing
- 2 Technical sessions dedicated to :
- Presentation of 4 technological solutions in addressing urban construction projects dedicated to degraded sites revitalisation, repurposing of unusable industrial areas and maximising the utilisation of urban waste streams by cascade recycling and disruptive technologies (3D printing) demonstrated in real conditions under the CINDERELA project
- Presentation of the digital environment: the CINDERELA one-stop shop as a comprehensive tool for exploiting and supporting circular construction business models and ecosystems in cities and regions.
- Panel discussion on how public authorities in cities and regions, the construction sector and the waste steams managers may benefit from digitalization like the CinderOSS tool. To improve the utilisation of locally/regionally resources recovered from waste for construction purposes, provide sustainable business opportunities for building sector and support cities and regions in implementing the circular economy strategies and targets
09:00 – 09:30 | Registration, welcome coffee |
09:30 – 10:00 | Opening Session |
Short welcome and introduction by CINDERELA Project Coordinator Alenka Mauko Pranjić, Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute Keynote speech : The challenges and opportunities for the circular economy transition in the urban construction sector Speaker: Dr. Ana Mladenovič, Head of Laboratory for Stone, Aggregates and Recycled Materials, Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute Driving a circular change in urban construction trough technologies, digitalisation and circular business models: the CINDERELA project innovations achieved Alenka Mauko Pranjić, Cinderela Project Coordinator, Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute |
10:00 – 10:45 | Session 1 Technical solutions for sustainable value creation in urban construction The session will present technical solutions for utilizing secondary raw materials recovered from urban and industrial waste streams for site redevelopment/ unused industrial sites repurposing projects developed and demonstrated in real conditions in the CINDERELA project. They can be leveraged by cities to drive the circular change in local/regional construction projects and by companies as enablers of circular business models |
Revitalising a degraded site with multiple circular solutions: the Dogosa demonstration case Tadej Žurman, External Advisor on Circular Economy and Sustainable Development, Nigrad , d.o.o, Slovenia Closing the material loops in an unused industrial site: the Madrid demonstration case Ignacio Vilela, Asociación de Empresarios del Henares, Spain Building regional industrial symbiosis for reuse of metallurgy waste streams for construction purposes : the Skopje demonstration case Dobriela Rogozareva Stavreva / Tanja Dimitrova Filkoska, Civil Engineering Institute, North Macedonia Maximising the utilization of urban resources for circular construction: phosphorus extraction as a step in a cascade recycling of sewage sludge and 3D printing of building components with recycled plastic Arjan van Timmeren Technical University of Delft Q&A Session |
10:45 – 11:00 | COFFEE BREAK |
11:00 – 11:45 | Session 2: Digital solutions for circular urban construction: CinderOSS presentation This session will present the CINDERELA one-stop shop platform (CinderOSS) as a digital environment for data collection, analysis and management to help cities increase the regenerative capacity and create value for circular economy business models in urban construction sector based on locally/regionally available secondary raw materials recovered from urban and industrial waste streams. |
CinderOSS: a multifunctional digital environment for supporting circular business models and urban ecosystems. Douwe Huitema / Joran Straatman, KplusV The operational requirements for establishing circular construction hubs with CinderOSS Gabriele Francescotto / Lorenzo Brusaferro, OpenContent CinderOSS as a tool to promote the sustainability of SRM based construction materials Matteo Donelli, University Bocconi, Ainara Garcia Uriarte, Tecnalia |
11:45 – 12:30 | Session 3 Building local/regional digital circular construction hubs with CinderOSS: the way forward Moderated Panel discussion: - Challenges and opportunities, drivers and constraints for circular urban construction - How digital tools like CinderOSS may help cities/region through building digital circular construction hubs ? Panelists:
For participants who will be with us in person: To enter our event a Smart City Expo valid visitor pass is needed , more information on the visitor pass here:
Friday 07 October 2022 - Last edit: Friday 04 November 2022