New Circular Economy Business Model for More Sustainable Urban Construction

Last week, the first CINDERELA technical seminar was held in the Netherlands

9 persons with different stakeholder roles participated in the event where we proudly showed the development regarding the CINDERELA One-Stop-Shop.

In the CINDERELA One-Stop-Shop (in short: CinderOSS), we offer a complete digital business environment that provides a variety of services to accelerate construction related waste-to-product business models.

CinderOSS accumulates information on all research and demonstrations actions that are performed within CINDERELA.

Furthermore, we have the ambitious goal to make complement this information with existing knowledge and experience of best-practices throughout Europe.

From effective circular policies and insightful material flow maps, to successful circular business models and applicable product databases.

This is then combined with an interactive digital business ecosystem, that allows for simple yet effective communication in the form of a Marketplace and the Business Finder

The Dutch participants called CinderOSS impressive, comprehensive and ambitious. The different functions offer an integral overview over different pieces of a European circular construction sector.

Following this, an interesting discussion emerged on the applicability and usefulness of CinderOSS for different users.

Though added value is clear from a European (policy) perspective, the current version of the tool might be too far off from the daily practices of a local construction business.

This issue was further explored for the different CinderOSS functions, such as the circular business model database and the material flow mapping software GDSE.

As a Dutch CINDERELA-member we are very happy with the results of this seminar, as it stresses the importance of adopting a multi perspective development process.

Therefore, we are pleased that many participants showed interest in partaking future co-creation activities for CinderOSS.

If you are also interested to join, please send a message to us, or subscribe to the newsletter!


Tuesday 01 December 2020