New Circular Economy Business Model for More Sustainable Urban Construction

ZAG launched the lab tests on technical validation of urban waste for the construction purpose

One of the key aspects enabling the use of urban waste for construction purposes is their technical valorisation for the purpose of production of SRM based construction products.
ZAG lab has started tests of some of the of most voluminous urban waste types such as different fractions of construction and demolition waste (CDW), remainings of urban waste treatment (e.g. sewage sludge, heavy fraction from municipal waste segregation ), different industrial waste

This initial characterization will serve as a basis for the selection of the most promising wastes from the targeted waste groups and further development of SRM-based construction products  (e.g. recycled and manufactured aggregates, concrete, asphalt, recycled soil for earthworks, and construction composites for geotechnical purposes i.e. embankments, fill, and noise barriers) to be further explored in the two selected CINDERELA use cases: Maribor (Slovenia) and Umag (Croatia).

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Friday 10 May 2019