CINDERELA 1° International Seminar

Circular Economy: a buzzword or a real business driver for the construction sector?

6 November 2019, ECOMONDO Fair, Rimini, Italy


Circular Economy: a buzzword or a real business driver for the construction sector?

The construction sector is one of the most resource-intensive industries where improvements in resource efficiency are needed. Measures include reducing the consumption of non-renewable virgin materials, cutting waste production and maximizing the value of recovered materials. At the same time the construction sector offers an enormous yet untapped potential for setting circular business cases that combine the use of secondary raw materials recovered from urban waste streams with economic growth.

However, the circular economy is often considered by construction companies as a complicated and time-consuming process that provides little financial profit. Beside an abundance of low-priced virgin materials in some European regions, barriers include: low awareness about the possibilities to use secondary raw materials (SRM) in construction among relevant actors (from investors, procurers, producers of construction materials and construction companies to final users of urban infrastructure), poor trust and low acceptance concerning the use of SRM-based construction materials caused mainly by lack of trusted information on materials’ performance and impacts, lack of appropriate legislation and established administrative procedures followed by lack of relevant market drivers including green public procurement practices.

About the event

The aim of the seminar is to provide a forum for presenting and discussing the implementation of the circular economy concept in construction sector. In particular we want to:

  • present and discuss the experiences of the construction companies that already took the first steps in becoming circular,
  • present the development of the CINDERELA business model and accompanying ‘one-stop-shop’ and subsequently collect feedback on these tools from companies, authorities, industries and policy makers,
  • discuss the barriers, market drivers, financing relevant for setting up circular business models relevant for the use of SRM in construction sector, 
  • take inspiration about how a circular economy approach could turn into new business opportunities for the construction sector.

Presentations from the Seminar:

Event Agenda

  • 09:30


  • 10:00 - 10:15


    • Welcome by Keti Medarova-Bergstrom, PhD, Project advisor H2020 Eco-innovation
    • The CINDERELA Project: Introduction, Alenka Mauko Pranjić, ZAG

  • 10:15 - 11:15

    Circular economy business models

    • Maribor: Public and private sectors towards a circular economy model Nuša Lazar, NIGRAD 
    • Creating value out of bituminous conglomerates Nicola Ongaro, CEO of IFAF s.p.a.
    • The CINDERELA one-stop-shop: business models and support for a circular construction sector, Douwe Huitema, KplusV

  • 11:15 - 11:30

    Q&A from the audience

  • 11:30 - 11:50

    Keynote - Intesa Sanpaolo Circular Economy Lab

    Is circular economy attractive for the market? The point of view of finance sector, Massimiano Tellini, Intesa San Paolo

  • 11:50 - 13:00

    Round table. Circular economy in practice: public and private experiences

    Moderator: Fabio Iraldo - Full Professor of Management at Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna


    • Enrico Cancila, ART-ER
    • Laura Pighi, HABITECH  
    • Manuela Brotto, OPICE srl
    • Jaime Moreno Juez, TECNALIA
    • Valentina Beghetto - Cà Foscari University

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Rimini Expo Centre Via Emilia, 155 47921 RIMINI - ITALY